11 April 2016



The Team Jolly Zanardo after the Italians appointments in the various championships, the Assoluti d’Itala and Under 23 and Senior, moved to Morocco, and more specifically in Agadir to take the start of the First race of the World Enduro Championship. Moroccan away began in the worst way with the cancellation of supertest on Friday night due to lack of light, the riders took to the beach to 18:30 but in the middle of the race was decided to cancel the test. Only the proof of the Junior class and then our Marchelli Michele, was considered valid. The three special test and the African heat have put to hard test all the riders participating. The race of Agadir will certainly not be remembered as one of the best races in recent years but it certainly served to our riders to understand in which direction to work to get some good results. Unfortunately in E3 our Mirko Gritti has retired in the day on Sunday for the aftermath of an accident which occurred during a workout. As a good figther Mirko gritted his teeth throughout the day on Saturday but the left knee was too swollen and as precaution it was decided by the forced withdrawal.The Michele Marchelli’s weekend was much more challenging, on Day One the rider of the Team Jolly Zanardo ran the worst race of 2016, but the next day he found the right square and led a good race. Closed the first worldwide round the Team Jolly Zanardo is now traveling to Portugal where this weekend will take place the second act of the Enduro GP.
“In this race weekend I have worsened the after-effects of an injury to my left knee and after trying to run on Saturday, on
Day 2 I decided indeed time to retire to avoid worsening the situation.”
“Yesterday was a bad day of competition because I have never found the feeling with the bike, but what is worse I have
gotten tired more than the due one . Today, however, we made some changes during the race and we have found the right square, and I was able to express myself better. “

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